Canadian Mennonite is a bi-weekly Anabaptist/Mennonite-oriented periodical which seeks to promote covenantal relationships within the church (Hebrews 10:23-25). It provides channels for sharing accurate and fair information, faith profiles, inspirational/educational materials, news and analyses of issues facing the church.
In fulfilling its mission, the primary constituency of Canadian Mennonite is the people and churches of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada [now Mennonite Church Canada] and its five related area conferences [now area churches]. Canadian Mennonite also welcomes readers from the broader inter-Mennonite and inter-church scene. Editorial freedom is expressed through seeking and speaking the truth in love and by providing a balance of perspectives in news and commentary. Canadian Mennonite will be a vehicle through which mutual accountability can be exercised within the community of believers; the paper also encourages its readers to have open hearts and minds in the process of discerning God’s will.
(Adopted by Canadian Mennonite Publishing Service Board, February 6, 1998.)
23 Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:23-25
Canadian Mennonite primarily serves the people and churches of Mennonite Church Canada, which is, in turn, made up of five member area churches:
Our staff members and directions to our head office are listed on the contact information page.
Canadian Mennonite is a member of the Canadian Church Press.
Canadian Mennonite is owned and operated by Canadian Mennonite Publishing Service, Inc. (CMPS), a Canadian non-profit corporation established in 1971 to publish the magazine. CPMS is a registered Canadian charity. Our charitable registration number is 119038487RR0001 and our registration and yearly financial filings can be viewed at Canada Revenue Agency’s Charities Directorate.
CMPS employs staff and owns property and equipment. The CMPS Board has the power to set policies, define budgets, and hire and dismiss staff. Through their majority (75%) presence on the Board, the area conferences [now area churches] and MC Canada collectively control CMPS.
The Canadian Mennonite office will provide contact information for any director upon request.
This list reflects board changes made at the annual CMPS board meetings held in March, 2009.
Mennonite Church Canada: Joon Hyoung Park, Les Klassen Hamm, Ed Janzen, Doreen Martens
Mennonite Church British Columbia: Linda Matties
Mennonite Church Alberta: James Moyer
Mennonite Church Saskatchewan: Joe Neufeld
Mennonite Church Manitoba: Al Friesen
Mennonite Church Eastern Canada: Larry Cornies
Elected by CMPS: Carl DeGurse, Margaret Ewen Peters, Tobi Thiessen
British Columbia: Ed Janzen, Joon Hyoung Park, Linda Matties
Alberta: James Moyer
Saskatchewan: Les Klassen Hamm, Joe Neufeld, Margaret Ewen Peters
Manitoba: Al Friesen
Ontario: Tim Reimer, Tobi Thiessen
Chair: Tobi Thiessen
Vice Chair: Margaret Ewen Peters
Secretary: Ed Janzen
Treasurer: Les Klassen Hamm
A subset of the board usually meets twice yearly in addition to the annual full board meeting. This group is composed of all the CMPS Officers plus a member-at-large.
Member-at-Large: To be named in 2010
Our annual reports contain, among other things, our audited financial statements and reports from the Chair of the Canadian Mennonite Publishing Services Board and the Editor/Publisher.