Canadian Mennonite
Volume 14, No. 17
Sept. 6, 2010

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British Columbia

Sept. 23-Oct. 7: MC Canada IMPACT hosted by MC B.C. churches.

Sept. 25: MCC Fall Fair in Prince George.

Oct. 2: LifeBridge Ministries Fundraising Concert at Level Ground Mennonite Church.

Oct. 2-3: Thanksgiving Vespers with Abendmusik Choir at 8 p.m. at Emmanuel Free Reformed Church, Abbotsford (2) and Knox United Church, Vancouver (3). Donations to Menno Simons Centre.

Oct. 4-6: Pastor/Spouse Retreat at Camp Squeah.

Oct. 15-17: MC B.C. Women’s Retreat at Camp Squeah. Featured topic: Women’s health issues with a focus on breast cancer. Speaker: Feather Janz, a two-time breast cancer survivor. Concert by Lisa Adrianne.



Oct. 15-16: Saskatchewan Women in Mission fall retreat at Shekinah. Theme: Worshipping God using our senses.

Oct. 22: Pastors’ gathering.

Oct. 23: Equipping Day, Osler Mennonite Church.


Until Sept. 18: “In the Spirit of Humanity” art exhibit at Mennonite Heritage Centre Gallery, Winnipeg; featuring the art of Ray Dirks, gallery curator, Manju Lodha, Isam Aboud, and M.K. Sharma of Jaipur, India. For more information, e-mail

Sept. 19: Voices Within Walls, a play featuring stories of prisoners of conscience against communist oppression around the world, at Gas Station Theatre, Winnipeg, at 6 p.m. A fundraiser for the Memorial to the Victims of Totalitarian Communism to be built in Ottawa as a commemoration of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War. Keynote speaker Peter Letkemann will present stories of Mennonites from the former Soviet Union.

Sept. 23: Annual palliative care conference offers a public lecture by Dr. Jose Pereira on “Euthanasia and palliative care: Don’t confuse the two”; at Victoria Inn, Winnipeg, at 7 p.m. For more information or tickets, call Andrea Firth at 204-889-8525 ext. 225.

Sept. 24-25: Brandon and area MCC Relief Sale at the Keystone Centre.

Oct. 2: Westgate Mennonite Collegiate fundraising cyclathon.

Oct. 2: Coffeehouse fundraiser for InterMennonite Chaplaincy Association at Fort Garry EMC Church, Winnipeg, at 7:30 p.m. Featured artists TBA.

Oct. 15-17: MC Manitoba youth sponsor workshop and worship event, “For the Love of God,” at Camp Assiniboia. Special guest: Bob Marsch.

Oct. 15-17: Manitoba Mennonite and Brethren Marriage Encounter weekend, in Winnipeg. For more information, visit To apply, call Peter and Rose Dick at 204-757-4705 or e-mail


Sept. 11: Annual Corn Festival at Wanner Mennonite Church, Cambridge; starts at 5:30 p.m. Meal includes local corn, sausage/hot dog, beverage and dessert. Followed by a campfire.

Sept. 12: Reunion for descendants of George Albrecht at the KW Khaki Club, Wellesley, at 1 p.m. For information call 519-885-0266 or contact

Sept. 27: Fall seniors retreat at Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp. Theme: “The role of congregations in the ministry of our seniors.” Speakers: Gloria Dirks and Nancy Mann. For more information, call 519-625-8602.

Oct. 17: Christian/Veronica Steinman(n) reunion, at Shakespeare Optimist Hall; potluck at 1 p.m. Refreshments provided, but bring your own plates, cutlery and cups. Memorabilia welcome.

Oct. 21-24: Ten Thousand Villages Fair trade sale at Hamilton Mennonite Church. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. (21 and 22), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (23). For more information, call 905-627-4132.

Oct. 23: Women of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada Enrichment Day, from 10:15 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Bethany Mennonite Church, Virgil, Ont. Theme: “Haiti: Building in hope.” Speakers: Donna Thiessen and Leah Reesor. Bring your own lunch; beverages provided. For more information, call Florence Jantzi at 519-669-4356.

Oct. 24: Pax Christi Chorale presents “Fauré Requium & S.S. Wesley Anniversary” with guest conductor Stéphane Potvin at Grace Church-on-the-Hill, Toronto at 3 p.m.


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